Tuesday, 20 November 2012


Well it has been a few days, as I predicted, since my last post.   It's been a somewhat eventful few days, and yet in spite of that, I find myself in a perplexing situation with very little to say.  It's not a situation I am accustomed to as many who know me would attest.

Saturday I attended a raw food workshop then hustled down the road to make it home in time to drop of food, grab a change of clothes and hurtle down the highway to the work Christmas party, new dress in tow.  The party was great, and I learned that dresses with sequins on them can cause armpit sequin-rash when dancing.

Last night I awoke in the onslaught of the man cold, my chest constricted, head pounding and nasal passages all but blocked.  This afternoon I am feeling that I am over the worst of it, and as I suspected, it was not the death sentence I was lead to believe.  Nevertheless, I could have done without it.  I missed my kick-boxing class last night and my trainer session at the gym tonight because of it.  If you're sick, just stay home people!  It's nice to share with your co-workers, but some things should be kept to ourselves.

I am proud to report that 98% of my Christmas shopping is done and 60% of the cookie dough/pastry has been made and frozen.  Things are seriously looking up for the Christmas rush.

You see, extremely unentertaining.  I doubt this blog was even necessary, but I wanted to post something so you knew I was still alive, and had not totally succumb to the man cold after all.

Here's hoping a more interesting calamity is soon to come may way.

FYI, the lemon cookies one the cookie poll and once I'm well enough to not be contagious, they will be the next cookie dough to be made, and I promise, I will post pictures and a few recipes.


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