Well once again I have been remiss in my blog duties. I know, I know, in order for this to be a success and for me to get that book deal I've so been longing for so I can hob-nob with the celebrities and eventually marry well out of my league due to my outlandish fortune, I must be more consistent.
The problem is finding the time to blog, and more importantly the material. I mean there are any number of monotonous things I could share with you, including the misfortunate incident of the guitar pick which I caught (or rather was given by a friend) at a concert and then tragically lost in a pants-pocket mishap of epic proportions. Or the terrible decision to eat a piece of cake at the retirement party last Friday, which resulted in stomach cramps and exhaustion which lasted for 3 days. It's finally time to admit I have a full fledged gluten allergy and I can not have "just a little bit" and be okay afterwards...
Truly the gluten allergy is a tragedy that is far reaching and which I'm sure I have not yet fully felt the affects of. It's one thing to be gluten free in the safety of your own home, but once you get out in that big bad world full of gluteny deliciousness, compounded by your own weakness for all things gluten, it's a really struggle. This weekend, for instance, I am headed to a retirement party on Friday (they are dropping like flies around my work place) and then on Saturday to a friend's place for dinner. Fortunately my friends are pretty good about my disease and often try to be gluten free themselves, however the retirement party owes me no allegiance and so I will be at the mercy of the veggie platter most likely.
But this begs a greater issue. I have long been bitten by the travel bug and have been to several countries, though not as many as I'd like. How do you convey to someone who doesn't even speak your language that you can not eat their bread? And what a shame to miss out on traditional fare because my intestines will reject it?? Even all inclusive vacations are loaded with gluten filled food. It does become a challenge. Not to mention my mother is already in panic mode because she doesn't know what to feed me. You know what they say, if it's not one thing, it's a mother, ha!
Okay, that is really all I have to contribute at this time, sad as that may be. Perhaps tomorrow will be unabashedly harried and full of exciting blog material. If it's not then be prepared for one of two things; 1) a very long hiatus between blogs or 2) more drivel like the above about gluten or Tim Hortons...
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