Saturday, 29 September 2012


This is one of those rare occasions where I am drunk and blogging, which is not to say that I am rarely drunk nor am I rarely blogging.  It's just the combination of those two things that rarely comes together,  and yet here I find myself like a sailor in a port, drunken to the point of blindness.

Why blog, one might ask, and to that I would say why not?   For is there a better time then when drunk to express the deepest truths of what one thinks?  As a sure and honest to god truth to that I  can tell you  that I have just come from the retirement party (refer to earlier blogs if you are unfamiliar with this particular swan song) where an alcoholic co-worker was hitting, quite aggressively on, the mother of the retiree.  It was, to say the least, gruesome.  The last time I saw him, he wasn't even making full sentences.  Mind you, if you could see how I am depending on the spell check feature of my Mac right now, I'm not much better.

Isn't it funny how alcohol affects our actions.  How once civilized people will turn into horny teenagers if given the right amount of booze.  Tonight I saw things I wish I could burn from my mind, but unfortunately the are permanently embedded there.

On the plus side, there were lots of people there and everyone was having a drunken good time.  And for that alone I am happy.  Now if only I could find a home for the half a slab cake in my fridge and the  3lbs of uneaten cheese I've brought home, my day would be complete!


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