Sunday, 30 September 2012


I think I owe you an apology blog readers.  I didn't mean to drunk blog like that and then not post again for a whole day.  I don't want you to feel used, that I could just late night blog like that and then say nothing for a whole day.  I promise it won't happen again.  I think we have something really special here and I don't want to jeopardize that.  I hope you can forgive me.

Now that I've put that out there, lets move on to today's subject, which I think I have landed on parents.  Specifically the relationship between parents and adult children.   I am, I have been told, very lucky to have such a close relationship with my parents, and I agree, for the most part.  What I struggle with from time to time is the fine line there is between being friends with your parents and still being their child, and in my case, their only child.  Everyone thinks that only children are spoiled and coddled, but I would beg to differ.  When you have a sibling, there's someone else to try to blame for all the shit you do.  Someone to act in cahoots with.  Someone else who might get worse grades, or get in more trouble then you.  There's the flip side, that sibling could be a brilliant genius or maybe they were the first to create grandchildren.  In any case, the point I'm trying to make is there is someone else for parents to focus on.  When you're an only child, the spot light is on you full time.  There's no blaming the dog for drinking the beer when they were out, if you're failing geography, there's no chance that the cat is going to be failing something else worse or getting suspended for fighting.  There is also no one else there who's getting married and having kids.  Its ALL on you.  Trust me, it's a lot of pressure.

As I said, I am lucky enough to have a very good relationship with my parents, but sometimes that line of friendship crosses into parenting.  I know they only want what is best for me and I suppose I have to learn there are somethings I can't share with them unless I want their parent opinion.  My most recent experience with this has been, as usual, around my love life.  I try not to talk to much to them about what is happening in that department because it tends to launch a question period that would make the Gestapo look like school girls.   Unfortunately the sprung a surprise visit on me after I had already had plans to go on a date.  I didn't want to lie so I told them the truth.  When things didn't work out because the guy was an idiot (note to male readers, when we ask you a question and you answer our boobs, you're not being subtle).  Apparently, not being attracted to someone, finding them obnoxious and boring and also catching them in a couple lies on the first date is not reason enough to decide you don't want to see them again.  This, coupled with discussion of marriage and love immediately after the first date, was enough for me to decide this guy wasn't worth my time.  My parents however, felt I was being hasty and too judgemental and it resulted in a full on lecture about my life choices and why I never think anyone is good enough.  It was compounded by the fact that my mom, who did not meet this character and didn't have to deal with the boob talking egomaniac, had told her sisters about our date as though we were getting engaged!  It was one date!  So on top of my parents criticism of my actions, I was also subjected to the opinions of my aunts.  Even now they still like to maintain that I was out of line for breaking it off.

These are the things I find frustrating.  They still feel that I am in need of their direction when it comes to my life decisions.  Admittedly there are times when I do want their opinions, but in this instance, I know I made the right decision and I didn't need the 5th degree.

So in the end, I guess the only solution is to keep things on the down low until I am certain it is worth bringing up.  Actually I think the only solution is to just grin and bear it.


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