Sunday, 23 September 2012


Question:  Is it enough to be with someone if its just ok?  What if there's no fireworks, no laughter or butterflies?  Can you grow those feelings or can you fake them long enough to make it work?  Is it enough to just get along, but not to feel need for someone?  To just have a nice time, not an amazing time together?  In my quest to find "the one"  I keep asking these same questions.  Some friends say they knew almost right away while others say it took time and those feelings grew.   I feel like for me there should be some lightening bolt connection, some epic "when you know you know" moment and yet I have not found this.  So what now?  Do I settle for mediocrity and hope it will grow into perfection.  And what if I have that "wow" moment after I've already committed to the mediocrity.  I guess that's a chance we all take isn't it?  It's a gamble, a roll of the dice.  And so I'll forage on and hope I make the right decision.

FYI Sunday's theme is deep, thought provoking and almost answerless questions from the heart...

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