Sunday, 7 October 2012


I knew this weekend would be a massive challenge in my eating clean diet (which I've been told I should call a lifestyle, not a diet because of the temporariness of a diet) and just generally not eating everything I see.  I also knew I'd have to cut myself some slack because it is Thanksgiving and my birthday today.   I wasn't going to totally deprive myself, but I didn't want to turn this weekend into a feeding frenzy either and undo all the work I have done in the last two weeks.

Everything has been going well so far, I even brought up some gluten free low cal snacks to avoid the temptation to plough through a bag of potato chips like fat kid after 3 months at fat camp.  Yes I was feeling quite proud that I was sticking very strongly to clean eating, even turned my nose up at a box of Tim bits (which for those of you non-Canadians, is sometimes called donut holes, but it's basically a small round donut.  If you don't know what a donut is I can't help you).  Then something tragic happened last night.  I had a run in with my arch-nemesis, chocolate.  It started innocently enough.  I had passed the candy dish on the coffee table several times since arriving here on Friday evening and hadn't given the round balls covered in a jack-o-lantern packaging much of a second look, but last night I though "oh what the heck, I've been good today."  So peeled off the pumpkin tinfoil wrapper and popped one in my mouth.  In that moment, that split second as I bit into the chocolate, something happened that transformed my night permanently.  I discovered there was a peanut butter centre.  I can now imagine what it must feel like to be an alcoholic and think, "it's okay I can just have one"  because one turned into two, turned into three and then I found there was cheddar cheese flavoured popcorn so I had a bowl of that, then two...  To hell with the healthy low cal snack I brought, they weren't covered in cheese powder and butter substitutions giving them a somewhat greasy flavour.   It wasn't pretty, I turned into a food-zilla monster.  I suppose it could have been worse, I could have cracked into the carmel candies or started eating the halloween themed smarties by the fistful, never the less I think I have my work cut out for me when I get home...

I'd like to wish everyone a happy, safe and glutenous Thanksgiving, even for those who don't celebrate it!


PS: I do not mean to make light of alcoholism.  It is a serious disease that took the lives of 3 of my grandparents and has claimed several other family members as well.  

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