Today was a day I have been long awaiting. It is a day that can make or break a woman, a day that we await for anxiously, and yet tentatively, all at the same time. Yes, it was hair appointment day. And as I sat in the chair enjoying my complimentary scalp massage thinking "I wonder if this is good for your scalpulation" which I actually meant to think circulation, but was so relaxed I made a new word, another thought occurred to me. And that is this: the base difference between men and women can be summed up in a hair cut. That is unless the man is very metrosexual, then probably this applies to him too. I have the good fortune of working with predominately men, and by predominately I mean there is me and two other women, both of whom could probably take any one of the guys on any given day. Working with mostly men has many up sides, for one, the women's washroom is almost always free and clear of activity, and for another, you don't tend to get a lot of whispering behind each other's back or sneering at each other's outfits. I am lucky if they notice I am wearing clothes at all. Ok, I am pretty sure they'd notice if I came to work naked, but I could probably wear a potato sack and not get a second look. On the flip side of this I have to work with all men, and men do not think like women at all. For a man, farting at any age is funny, the louder the better, and if you should be so lucky to obtain an odour ,well that's just icing on the cake. The jokes are more crass, and if you are not willing to be made fun of or be the butt of the odd practical joke, then its best if you avoid working with all men. Now clearly there have been studies done on the differences between men and women for centuries by people who are much more qualified then I am, but I feel that I should wade into these murky waters anyway. What could one more opinion/observation hurt?
The reason the hair cut got me thinking is because, as I was being massaged, and rinsed and pampered and straightened, I tried to imagine any one of the men I work with sitting in the hair dresser chair I was sitting in and I couldn't. They'd be riggling in the chair like an ADHD child who forgot to take their ritalin for the day, and they'd be looking at their watches asking "how much longer is this going to take?" I remember several months ago one of the guys complaining that he had to spend $25 on a hair cut and that it was an out rage. If somebody told me they could cut my hair for $25 I'd tell them to take the butcher knives they were passing off as scissors and get the hell away from my hair. A woman's hair is a big deal. A bad cut can be a life and death situation, it can dictate the tone for the rest of the year. Women readers are all nodding their heads, while men are thinking "it's just hair, it will grow back." Don't worry ladies, even if you shaved your head bald he likely wouldn't notice anyway. I chopped 6" off my hair in the summer and my dad informed me he didn't really see a difference. Half a foot of hair gone and it looked exactly the same to him. It's not like I had long hair to begin with....
Now I've got off into the weeds here a bit in my hair-rantings. I guess what I'm trying to say is women like getting their hair cut. It makes us feel like queen's for a day (not in the pride parade kind of way, or maybe it does for some, who am I to judge), but for men, hair is just hair and if they could find a trained monkey to cut it for a banana and nickel, they'd be just as happy.
Ever wondered what 9 pumpkin pies and 7.5 dozen butter tarts looked like?
Now you don't need to wonder anymore...
Oh man Jaeme, you are way too funny. You need to put this stuff in a book.