Wednesday, 31 October 2012


Well we weathered the storm both at home and in the craziness of an office being run by a maniac who forgets what has been told to him 3 minutes before.  And now here I find myself, post halloween trick-or-treatery, finally with time to blog.

Halloween is a holiday I enjoy greatly.  I have fond childhood memories of dressing up as something uninspired and unoriginal such as "hippy girl" or the classic witch.  I also remember getting more creative as I got older, for instance two years ago I went to a party as "The Hulk in transition"  Half green with clothes partially torn.  Anything that gives you the opportunity to dress up as anything you want without repercussion or judgement is quite alright by me.  Accompanied by the fact that its a license to eat candy by the fist full and you've got yourself a brilliant little holiday.  On the topic of uninspired costumes, slutty nurse, slutty police woman, slutty angel, slutty devil, slutty bunny and slutty pirate have all been done to death.  If you really need to go as something slutty, put forth some effort ladies!  How about slutty Ronald McDonald or slutty can of tuna, or even slutty Fat Albert?   I'm just saying, if you really want to stand out in the crowd put some work into it.  

This year I had about 43 kids come to the door.  There were the usual suspects, Jason & Freddy,  the man trio of spider, super and bat, several princesses, and one Buzz Lightyear who was far to scared of the ghost hanging by my door to come near enough to get his candy, his mom had to get it for him.  Then there were the unidentifiables.  I believe I handed a Coffee Crisp to a dill pickle this evening. Either that, or a very unwell cactus.  Two or three uninventives came to the door with face paint on and nothing else to really identify them as in costume.  By far the best costume was a hot air balloon that clearly took some innovation and thought well beyond the years of its wearer.  Judging by the voracious interest my father took in the description of this costume I would hazard a guess that the costumer was of paternal origins.  Also there is a good chance my dad is going to dress up as a hot air balloon next year.

One final point of interest (or maybe not depending on your prerogative); you can tell a lot by the way a child acts on Halloween.  Even if they are wired for sound on more sugar then really ought to be consumed, the ones with good manners will always say "thank you."  Tonight,  Captain America showed up at my door and yelled "trick-or-treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat" and when I gave him the candy he turned and ran onto the next house, no thank you in sight.  All the while his parents were standing in the street (or at least I assumed they were parents or else something weird was going on) talking to each other and neither one said anything to him about his behaviour.  On the contrast, I had several children, including one exuberant Mini Mouse, wish me a happy halloween after they thanked me for my candy contribution.  Its all about the manners, and what better time to show your children to be polite then when they are dressed up like superheroes, travelling door to door, taking candy from total strangers.

Thus concludes the halloween addition of the blog.

On a side note, I do hope anyone affected by the Hurricane was able to take shelter and is doing well now inspire of the circumstances.  Thoughts are to those in their time of need.

Cheers & Happy Hallow's Eve
(You can't see or hear it, but I'm sitting on the couch howling like a wolf)

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