I said I was going to take a little hiatus from blogging over the weekend due to the inevitable business that comes with long weekends, however; I find myself sitting here with nothing to do but wait. Wait you ask? What are you waiting for? A very good question my astute reader, and I will answer.
Throughout the dawn of time there has been a fallacy created that women take forever to get ready. I have been waiting for my dad to get showered and shaved and dressed for what seems like an eternity. This, by no means, is an isolated event either I'm afraid. So what's one man compared to the many you might ask, and again I would say a valid query. Let me me harken back to May of 2012, while I was away from my office on a 3 week training expedition. I was putting on the training, but have become friends with many of the trainees in question, who are largely male. There is one female in the group. Now we were all staying at the same hotel and would endeavour to go out for dinner together and what I found 100% of the time was that I would show up at the room of one of the males at the time that had been assigned for us to meet and find him freshly awoken from a nap or just about to get in the shower. On one particular occasion, I was greeted at the door, by a colleague wearing nothing but a towel with a toothbrush in his mouth. My female co-worker, on the other hand, was always ready on time.
What could possibly be taking you this long to get ready? I know you have to shave your face, but I have two legs and a couple of armpits that require the razor treatment every 3rd - 4th day (this is varies largely depending on the season). I also have hair that needs to be blow dried or styled in some manner so as not to cause small children to have nightmares or to send wild dogs into a fit of rage. When I'm going out for a dinner I usually slap on a coat of make-up so as not to alarm the waiter. All these things are time consuming, dare I say, more so then having to shave and shower, and yet even now, as I have typed this entire blog, my father remains still unready to attend the Elmvale Fall fair.
It is my firm belief that women have been getting the short end of this this stick for many years now and it is time we took a stand. Men! We are tired of waiting on you!
Here, here!!