Tuesday, 9 October 2012


Alright, so I sold out to the man and decided to let advertisers onto my blog.  Does this make me any worse the the Black Eyed Peas or Bob Dylan or any of the rest of my fellow sell outs chasing the all mighty dollar?  I am still the same person, my principles and beliefs have not changed, I just think if I can capitalize on my crazy then why the heck not?  I'd be crazy not to!

Now I see there's some fantastical adds for magic weight loss solutions and one for some kind of t-shirt.  I can't speak for the t-shirt adds, but I can speak for the fantastical weight loss.  I don't know if I'm in some kind of violation of the blogger-advertiser code, but I feel that I must speak out.  There is no magic pill, no special formulized diet or at home work out in this world that is going to make you drop 50lbs in 3 months, and if there is, it's not safe, it's not healthy and it sure as hell isn't going to last.  As someone who's hard fought the war on the waste line and won some battles of the bulge, but tragically lost many others,  I can tell you one thing for sure.  You didn't gain that weight in a fortnight (fancy english speak for 2 weeks) and you aren't going to lose it in a fortnight either.  It takes time and effort and a total change in lifestyle.  I have tried everything, starvation, pills, insane work out routines that made me feel so out of shape and so much worse about myself that I quit after the first couple of sessions.  Trust me, there is no quick fix miracle.  If there were we'd all be skinny.

All I can tell you is this, don't beat yourself up and give up, if after a month you've only lost 2lbs.  That's  a 2lb victory in the battle.  Set small goals for yourself and give yourself time to achieve them.  Don't decide in April you're going to drop 15lbs by May and then hate yourself when it doesn't happen.  That kind of stress only adds to the problem and I 100% guarantee it makes it harder for your body to loose weight.   I've touched on this before, don't go by a number on the scale, it's about how you feel, not what the number is.  What you think you should way is not always what your body wants to weigh.  Listen to your body, and be honest, just because you weight 120 when you were 15, by no means should you weigh that when you're into your 30's.  Here's another helpful hint, the BMI is generally regarded by nutritional experts as a load of crap.  So don't go around thinking that because you're 5' 10 and 30 (oops 31 now) and female that you have to weigh some set number that a made up scale that doesn't account for bone density, genetic predispositions or the general build of your body, calculated out.

If you want my advice this is what it is:  The most success I've ever had in weight loss is eating healthy foods that were grown in the ground and not manufacture in the Frito Lays factory.  Foods whose ingredients I actually can pronounce and identify.   And of, course exercise.  Whether it's going for a 30 minute brisk walk every night, or yoga or Zumba or krav maya, find something you like to do (because if you hate it, you'll get discouraged and quit) and stick with it.

Remember it's the small victories.  And if you fall off the food wagon, or in my case, if you eat the food wagon, don't give up.  Get back on!!

(Hopefully I wont' loose my sponsorship over this one )

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